Review of ‘Anarchist’s Workbench’ &#8211

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Thanks to South African woodworker Ray Deftereos, creator of “The Hand Tool Book Review,” for his kind words about Christopher Schwarz’s “The Anarchist’s Workbench:”

“I think it is safe to say that this is the definitive workbench book. And as a free resource for the electronic version, this is completely out of this world as a deal! Join me on today’s episode as I discuss why this is probably the only workbench book you will ever need.” To listen, click here.

The planing stop in the new workbench was made by Tom Latane.

Ray also made good use of the Creative Commons license for this book, by narrating the first chapter – it’s fun to hear Christopher’s words in someone else’s voice! You can listen to that by clicking here.

And if you’d like to download your own free copy, see the second-to-last paragraph in the book’s description at the Lost Art Press online store.


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