New in Store: ‘To Make as Perfectly as Possible’ PDF &#8211

“To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry” is now available for download in the Lost Art Press store. The cost is $19 and the file is in PDF format. Click here to order.

International customers can order the download by sending $19 to via PayPal; a download link will be sent to you.

We chose to use the PDF file format because of the graphics-heavy nature of this book. So far, we have yet to find an ebook conversion service that can provide a file that we think is acceptable. We will keep looking.

As always, all of our files are completely free of “digital rights management” hoo-ha. No passwords. No keys. You can even extract pages from this PDF. The reason we can do this is we have an honest customer base; fraud has been almost insignificant.

I hope you enjoy Roubo on the go in your portable device.

— Christopher Schwarz

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