Ignore the Yeti; Come for the Food &#8211


Next month I’m conducting a two-day seminar on building a Dutch tool chest for the Alabama Woodworkers Guild in Maylene, Ala. During Feb. 14-15, I’ll build a Dutch tool chest and demonstrate all the hand-tool techniques so you can make one for yourself.

And if you are lucky, you might just win the tool chest and not have to make one. All the attendees to the two-day seminar get a raffle ticket to win the chest. But more importantly, they get to eat some really amazing food while some sasquatch shows them how to cut dovetails, dados and mouldings by hand.

The Alabama Woodworkers Guild is a special organization in a special place. Located in an historic old schoolhouse, the club could not ask for a more beautiful place to build stuff. Last year I did a two-day seminar on building a six-board tool chest there and had a fantastic time. The food (and I am crazy for good food) is crazy good.

If you live in the deep South, it’s totally worth the drive. I’ll also bring along some Lost Art Press books, postcards and who knows what else?

Registration for one day of the class is $100. Both days is $175. To register, contact Chris Mazur at 205-979-1593 or chrism1928@earthlink.net. Or Preston Lawly at 205-982-2828 or eventman@bellsouth.net.

— Christopher Schwarz

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