85 Copies of the Deluxe Roubo Book Available &#8211

lap-roubo-pressmark-1After sending out all of the copies of “To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry” to customers, we have 85 copies remaining to sell.

We will sell these on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at noon EST Monday, Nov. 11, 2013. For U.S. customers, we will post an item in the store allowing you to purchase the book for $400 (domestic shipping is included in the price).

For international customers, please send an e-mail to John Hoffman at john@lostartpress.com after noon EST Monday. The cost will be $400, plus actual shipping costs. Please be advised that shipping this book overseas is quite expensive when it is properly insured and accompanied by a tracking number (as much as $70). E-mails ordering the book before noon EST on Monday will not be acknowledged or fulfilled.

We do not like to brag, but this is a fine, fine book. If you would like a second opinion, please read Jameel Abraham’s blog about the book at the Benchcrafted.com blog.

— Christopher Schwarz

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