Instead of a Face-painting Station… &#8211


…we’re going to offer a spray-painting station at “The Anarchist’s Design Book” book-release party Saturday night. I made this stencil years ago. And I have a can of spray paint.

For these photos I tried to get Megan Fitzpatrick to stencil my bare back, but she wouldn’t do it, saying the safety wanks would have my head. All I have to say to that is that if we didn’t have body painting then we wouldn’t have had Mel Gibson in “Braveheart.”

Um. So never mind on the body paint.

We’re wrapping up little details all week – installing doors, making sure we have electric lights, just little stuff. The place won’t be ready for the opening, but it will have to do.

One other quick reminder: The store will be open only on the second Saturday of each month. We’ve had lots of requests from people who are passing through Cincinnati to stop and visit or to pick up orders. I wish we could accommodate those requests, but we cannot.

This company is two people – no employees – and John lives two hours away. So it’s on me to run the store, and I have lots of editing, writing and furniture commissions to work on. Maybe someday we’ll have more help and can offer more hours, but until then I ask you to please not ask us to do what we cannot.

Hope to see y’all this weekend.

— Christopher Schwarz

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