Update on Deluxe Edition of Roubo &#8211

lap-roubo-pressmark-1We hope to have some copies of the deluxe edition of “To Make as Perfectly as Possible” to sell to customers once we ship out all of the copies that have already been sold and paid for.

We are not certain how many copies we’ll have left to sell, perhaps something between 60 and 100. We are going to sell these in the Lost Art Press store. Here’s how it will go down:

1. Once all of our existing customers for the book have received their copies and any damaged or missing ones have been replaced, we will count up what’s left.

2. We will announce here on the blog how many we have to sell and a date when they will go on sale in our store. There will be different instructions for domestic and international customers.

3. We will put them on sale in our store on that date. No phone orders. No mail orders. Note that we will hold a few copies back to ensure we can replace any damaged or lost copies.

4. Once those copies are gone, the deluxe edition will be finished. Forever.

5. There is no waiting list for this book. It is strictly first-come, first-served. No exceptions.

My apologies for the strict rules here. I hate rules. But we want to be as fair as possible to all of our customers. So this is how we are going to proceed. (This means that asking us to change our operating procedure is wasted breath/keystrokes on your part.)

— Christopher Schwarz

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