Hints to Cadets, With a Few Observations &#8211


One of the books I’ve read in my research for “Campaign Furniture” is “Hints to Cadets, with a Few Observations on Military Service” by Lt. T. Postans (Wm. H. Allen Co., 1842). I thought the book might discuss the things that cadets should purchase, such as barracks furniture, for a tour in India.

I was wrong. He spends about a paragraph on that.

Most of the book is how to prepare you psychologically for the journey. How to be tolerant of other cultures and religions. How not to make an ass of yourself in India.

But one of the tools Postans thinks cadets should bring is a drawing pad and instruments, to record the landscape and the cadet’s surroundings in the quiet hours.

You can find it on GoogleBooks, though you might find it a cure for insomnia. I, however, found it a surprising book.

— Christopher Schwarz

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