How to Choose The Materials to Use for Aqueduct Plant Design?

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Designing integrated water service aqueduct systems also means choosing the materials to be used with extreme care. Today we will deepen together what are the criteria for choosing between the AISI 304 or the AISI 316 stainless steel. What will be the best choice for aqueduct plant design?

Let’s make some premise.

In the case of the design of drinking water distribution plants that also use sodium hypochlorite for disinfection it is essential, for example, to choose the material for the control chambers pipes of the tanks.

Aqueduct plant design: what to consider?

Usually, this choice depends on various factors. Let’s see together the main parameters to consider:

  • concentration of aggressive agents (e.g. chlorine and fluorine ions)
  • operating temperature
  • fluid speed on the walls of the material
  • surface finishing
  • connection with other materials.

For the same parameters, none of the above can make us lean towards an AISI 304 compared to an AISI 316. It is therefore necessary to take into account more specific factors.

Other key factors.

The other factors to be considered are as follows.

  • chemical composition
  • structure
  • drawing of the requested pieces
  • method of implementation.
  • chemical composition
  • concentration
  • temperature
  • relative speed compared to the material.

In the next post we will find out together which stainless steel is best suited for the design of aqueduct plants. Stay tuned!

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