King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry gets closer – National Railway Museum blog

While much of the workshop team is engaged in Flying Scotsman’s push to completion at York and Bury, another significant project moves towards an exciting milestone.

Our Deltic, Number 55 002 “King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry” (KOYLI for short), has been undergoing a thorough rehabilitation at the hands of Pete Stojanovic and friends, and is nearing the significant date of a start up.

All major components are now back together and the power units now just require connecting up to the fuel, oil and coolant systems. Number 1 main generator will be finished in the next few days and so should testing of the electrical circuits and cubicles.

This afternoon I was shown progress by Pete, Stuart Page and Steve Plowman, who hope that a start up for the loco will be possible in the next few weeks. They have been slowly charging batteries up in readiness, and Pete and Stuart were checking individual cells.

Back in 1998, I stood in the South Yard and watched D9000 take 55 002 away for the ill-fated restoration that was not completed. Now, 13 years on, 55 002 is about to make a comeback, and it’s all credit to the small team who have raised money and worked long hours to make it possible. Look out for KOYLI, it will be worth it!

55 002 is now in the triangle area of the Great Hall for all to see.
Pete checks the battery levels – some are fighting his attempts to resurrect them!
A quick look inside the body towards number 2 engine – all this area has been repainted and I felt I should have put slippers on before entering.
Some of Pete’s work on No.1 generator. Almost a shame to use it…
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