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Nuki had a memorable year 2019. We launched the Nuki Opener, a smart retrofit solution for existing intercom systems allowing the user to have completely keyless access from the street to the living room. Our motivated team also kept working to further improve the Nuki product portfolio. Always committed to privacy and security, we provided users with regular software updates and high-quality. For these reasons, we celebrated continued success and want to share some incredible figures and milestones with you.

10 nationalities

At Nuki, we are driven by the idea to advance and focused on what matters. We value diversity and are proud of our team of currently 65 dynamic and diverse members. In addition to Austria, where our company is headquartered, our team counts ten different nationalities. Our international teammates come from Brazil, Croatia, France, Germany, Haiti, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, the Netherlands and Slovenia.

100 countries

After just three years since the launch on the European market, we have shipped Nuki Smart Locks to over 100 countries around the globe! People from different cities, cultures and living situations are now accessing their homes smartly and seamlessly. We are available in Australia, Canada, Chile, Morocco, South Africa, Thailand, to name a few.

100 partners

We are thrilled to say that Nuki has over 100 reliable partnerships. Some are the world’s leaders in the smart home industry, such as Amazon, Apple, and Google. We also have essential partners with big names in other sectors, like Airbnb in the hosting industry. If you trust in these companies, you know you can trust in Nuki.

1,000 Boxes installed

1,000 Nuki boxes have been installed at the main entrance of apartment buildings across Austria and Germany in 2019. The Nuki Box is a retrofit solution for the main intercom panel of apartment buildings offering all residents a smart access solution. Empowered with the Nuki Box, apartment owners, tenants, service partners and property managers profit from the benefits that the Nuki Box offers.

100,000 Smart Locks sold

In 2014, the idea for the Nuki Smart Lock was born. In 2019 we reached the extraordinary mark of 100,000 Smart Locks sold. In addition to the Nuki Shop, Nuki products are also available on Amazon, at various retailers, and a number of Nuki Pro partners. We are proud that over 100,000 customers have already upgraded their front door and taken the first step into the smart home universe.

100,000,000 locking actions

Our customers’ opinion is essential to us. For that reason, we regularly create user surveys to receive valuable feedback and insights. Through these surveys, we could conclude that more than 100,000,000 locking actions were made. We are changing the way people access their homes, one door at a time.

We want to thank our partners and you, part of the Nuki community, for the outstanding support in these past years. We would never have gotten to where we are now without you. The new year has just begun, and we already have reasons to celebrate! Nuki is the winner of the IoT Breakthrough Award 2020 as the Emerging Consumer Market Company of the Year. Stay tuned: Great things still lie ahead! We have a lot more planned, so be excited and look forward to 2020 with us!

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