It’s not just water cooler gossip – refer an office to and earn £100! – Life Unlocked

As our partnership with Airbnb comes to an end, we want to thank everyone who expressed an interest in, or took advantage of our special offer. And following on from that fruitful collaboration, we’re now excited to announce another great opportunity called the Klevio Office Referral programme.

With our Office Referral programme, when you refer an office or any other type of workplace to Klevio, you’ll receive £100 as a reward.

Simple as that.

Now if you’ve already got Klevio for your home, you may be wondering what makes Klevio the perfect access solution for offices too. Here’s our answer in a nutshell:

Offices tend to rely on large numbers of keys or fobs, but with Klevio all you need to do is share digital keys with your staff. So, no more replacing lost keys or fobs, and for maximum convenience you can bulk share digital keys with hundreds of colleagues all in one go. Everything is managed via a web-based dashboard or the Klevio app, so you can see at a glance who has keys at any given time, and revoke them instantly when a staff member leaves the company.

What’s more, you can give time-limited keys to contractors so they can access your office out of hours, if necessary. Quite simply, Klevio makes office life easier for everyone.

So if you work in an office that would benefit from Klevio, or you know another workplace that might, send us an email mentioning ‘Referral Programme’ in the subject line to

This offer is open from now until 31 January 2020.

EDIT: the offer is prolonged until 29 February 2020!

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