We’re dreaming of a smart Christmas… – Life Unlocked

We’ve written recently on the growth of smart home technology – and with Christmas just days away we thought it would be a good time to ask the team at Klevio for their smart tech festive wish list. Here’s what they came up with…

Matjaž (Project manager)

“I’m a big fan of watching films at Christmas, so I’d like a Sonos Playbar to enjoy those funky beats from blockbuster movies in the comfort of my own living room.”


Lana (Designer)

“I’m a bit obsessive about following recipes to the letter, and one thing that would help de-stress me at Christmas is a product like Google Home Hub that lets me view a recipe on a screen, rather than on a handwritten paper or my phone that keeps going into sleep mode.”


Darja (Frontend developer)

“I love getting cosy at Christmas, so I’d go for Nest, to keep me and my family warm the smart way.”


Jacob (Customer support and Operations)

“My family are always playing pranks on each other, so I’d get a wireless Phillips Hue Bulb installed secretly in my parents’ house so I can freak them out whenever I fancy.”

Marko (CTO)

“I’ve been wanting to get a remote air-conditioning system at home for ages, so I’d be very happy to wake up to Sensibo on Christmas Day. It doesn’t make sense to have cooling on all day, and timers are too inflexible and hard to set up – so remote control is definitely the future.”


Lydia (Customer experience designer)

“We’ve got two kids and a cat, and it’s often the cat who wakes us up first with her wailing for food at 6am! So we’d love to get an automatic kibble dispenser with a timer for Christmas so we can finally have a lie in!”

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