A British Perspective on a Dutch Tool Chest Class Taught by a Loud-mouthed American &#8211

With every class there are three types of students.

  1. The type that is there to learn. They learn. They go home happy.
  2. The type that probably should consider a different hobby. (To be honest, that was me during my first woodworking class. Somehow I persevered.)
  3. The type that has no business there because they could easily teach the class.

Ed Sutton is in the third category. Ed runs the blog thingswemake.co.uk, and is actively involved on Instagram and Twitter. If you haven’t joined in on Instagram and Twitter, you should consider it. It hasn’t (yet) been overrun by trolls.

(By the way, Lost Art Press is on Instagram and Twitter, as well.)

Anyway, Ed was in my Dutch Tool Chest class in England this month (last month? who am I?) and has finished it up right pretty as we say in Arkansas (about our cousins). Here is his blog entry about the class. And check out his video, which is comprised of stills from the class.

— Christopher Schwarz

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