A Few Spots Open for Classes: Roorkee Chairs & Dutch Tool Chest &#8211


Next month, I head to sunny/warm/tasty Anaheim, Calif., to teach two classes – a four-day class on building Roorkee chairs and a two-day class on building a Dutch tool chest.

The classes will be held at the William Ng School of Fine Woodworking. This is my first teaching assignment in Southern California, though I have been there many times for woodworking shows, vacations and tacos.

The Roorkee chair class is March 17-20. This is one of my favorite classes to teach because it involves so many new skills for woodworkers, such as learning to make tapered conical mortises, spindle turning and leatherwork. These chairs are great fun to build, plus they travel extraordinarily well.

You can learn more about the class here.


I’ll also be teaching a two-day class in building a Dutch Tool Chest (March 22-23). This is a somewhat brutal but effective introduction to hand-tool casework. You’ll learn dovetails, dados, rabbets, cut-nail joinery and all of the rules for carcase construction in just two days.

When I teach this class, some of the students end up napping on the bench. But they all end up taking home a tool chest that is portable, tough and useful.

More details here.

Southern California is beautiful this time of year, and the food is fantastic. So blow off your job and join us.

— Christopher Schwarz

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