A Saw (or Hand-Saw) &#8211

1. IN the beginning of this Chapter we shall give you all sorts of Instruments and Tools used in Armory pertaining to the several Trades of Joyners, Carpenters, Mill-wrights, Wheel-wrights, Turners and Coopers, &c. or whatsoever other Trade, whose use consisteth, and is exercised in working or framing of Timber, or any sort of Wood.

I. He beareth Gules, a Saw (or Hand Saw) the point dejected, between a Gimblet or Hand Bit, and a Paring Chissel, Argent, the Handles, Or; of each of which in particular.

The Hand Bit, of some called a Gimblet, a Piercer, or Nail Piercer, it hath a Worm at the end of the Bit, or half round with sharp edges like the Auger, some for small holes are square in the Bit; of these there are several Sizes.

A. 3 such S. is born by the name of Gimblett.

G. a Cheveron between 3 A. Handles O. born by Van Holler.

The Saw, called also a Hand-saw, or a Board-saw; is used by Joyners and other Wood-men, to cut or slit small Timber, as Boards, Spars, Rails, &c. though indeed the Saw cannot properly be said to cut or slit, but rent, break, or tear away such part of the Wood as the points of the Teeth strike into.

B. a Saw A. Handle O. born by the name of Sawyer.

The Paring Chissel, is a Chissel with a broad flat, which is not used to be Knockt with a Mallet, but is taken in the hand by the Shank near the top of the Flat, and the top of the Haft or Helve is placed against the right Shoulder, which being pressed hard upon the Haft causeth the edge to cut and pare away, and smooth the Irregularities of other working Chissels: These are much born in Arms, and have several terms for their several parts, of which see chap. 8. numb. 154. to which add these two.

The Flat, is all the broad part of the Chissel, which is ground away by often Whetting.

The Head, the top of the Handle.

G. a Chissel between 2 Roses A. the Helve O. born by the name of Chisselrose

— From Randle Holme’s “The Academy of Armory, or, A Storehouse of Armory and Blazon” Book III, Chapter IX. Why am I reading this

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