Chairmaker’s Toolbox Scholarship Class Sept. 18-22, 2023 &#8211

Day-4 lesson: Get a bigger hammer. (This was the calmest during glue-up I’ve ever seen a group of students in our shop.)

We had such fun in last year’s Chairmaker’s Toolbox class that we’re doing it again! Chris will be leading a group of six in a free stick chair class in the Lost Art Press shop Sept. 18-22, 2023. The scholarship covers both tuition and materials for the chair.

The emphasis of this class is to teach those who are underepresented in our ranks, and to help create a new generation of woodworkers who teach. There are two spots available for students who have some chairmaking experience and want to teach others, and four spots for students with little-to-no chair experience but who have some sort of active teaching practice (elementary school math, academic writing, shop maintenance in educational facility, podcasting, etc).

The class is being organized by Aspen Golann, who runs The Chairmaker’s Toolbox. You can find out about all the Chairmaker’s Toolbox education opportunities via this link (where you’ll find links to “apply here” for each class, including this one).

As Aspen notes in her description on the Chairmaker’s Toolbox, I am the designated shop lurker for this class…but lurking pays off. Last year’s group is the one that finally inspired me to make a stick chair (I just had to wait until they left so I had my bench back). Then I bought my own scorp…so color me inspired.

– Fitz

p.s. Chris will write more about the class when he’s back in town, and answer questions about donations etc.

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