Hey Chair Nerds! &#8211

Stolen from Peter Galbert’s Instagram feed.

At 1 p.m. Eastern tomorrow (Tues., Oct. 6), Peter Galbert will carve a chair seat right in front of your very eyes on Mary May’s live-streamed Twitch TV channel. The web address is: twitch.tv/marymaywoodcarver.

You don’t have to have a Twitch account to watch, but if you want to ask questions or interact in any way, you do. Twitch is free and can be watched online, or through the free app for either iOS or android.

If you can’t make the live stream, you can watch the recorded show afterward on Mary’s Twitch channel.

— Fitz

p.s. Obligatory commercial mentions: Take a look at Mary May’s “Carving the Acanthus Leaf” here, and Peter Galbert’s “Chairmaker’s Notebook” here.

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