Lost Art Press Pub Sign &#8211


I hate the vinyl banner that we hang up at woodworking shows.

While we had the vinyl sign made locally, I’ve never liked having a plastic sign for a company that is all about wooden objects.

So when we decided to exhibit at Handworks in Amana, Iowa, one of my first tasks was to commission a proper corporate sign for Lost Art Press. So we hired David Bignell, a talented Dayton, Ohio, woodworker to carve us a low-relief sign in the spirit of British pub signs.

He’s started work on the sign and you can check out his progress on his Facebook page.

We’ll have the sign at Handworks, along with H.O. Studley calipers and (if our luck holds) a special T-shirt that we’ll sell at Handworks and to customers who cannot make it to the event.

— Christopher Schwarz

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