Not a Radical Break With Tradition &#8211

A circa 1800 worktable. Thanks to Richard O. Byrne for digging this up.
A circa 1800 worktable. Thanks to Richard O. Byrne for digging this up.

“It is of no use to design furniture; it cannot be designed.”

— Kaare Klint, Mobilia Magazine, No. 56, 1960

As a teacher especially, Kaare Klint exerted a strong influence. With his students, he studied how a piece of furniture was to function and took anthropometric measurements. As a design theorist, Kaare Klint looked back to the crafts tradition and skilled craftsmanship, for which meticulous attention to detail and a knowledge of materials were essential. This was the basis on which new forms were to be created from existing forms that had proved their worth, not a radical break with tradition but rather an evolution.


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