Now Shipping: The Third Printing of ‘The Anarchist’s Tool Chest’ &#8211

On Friday we sold the last beige copy of the second printing of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” and are now shipping the charcoal third printing, which includes a full index and a slightly extended ending.

The page count is now 494 pages, but the price remains $37 plus shipping.

The new printing is also on its way to our retailers. Yesterday I shipped 612 pounds of this book to Lee Valley. (Note to self: Write shorter, lighter books.) Plus 200 pounds to Highland Hardware.

One final note: All the copies that we sell through our store are autographed. I’m only mentioning this because we get this question a lot.

The third printing of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” is available here in our store.

— Christopher Schwarz

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