Reason No. 3 to Attend Woodworking in America – Roubo Book Signing Event &#8211

Roubo Triumph

3. If you are planning on picking up your pre-ordered copy of “To Make as Perfectly as Possible” at Woodworking in America (or perhaps buy a copy at the show), please stop by the Lost Art Press booth at noon on Saturday, Oct. 19.

We will have many of the people involved with the project available to chat about the book and sign your copy. We’re not sure how long the event will run — it depends on how many people show up and what other obligations the authors, translators, etc. have.

Soon we also will be announcing details of a book-release party on Thursday, Oct. 17, at a local Cincinnati restaurant. We’re still running some numbers.

Sign up for Woodworking in America, Oct. 18-20. I mean come on, do you really need to weed the garden that weekend?

— Christopher Schwarz

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