Recruiting Some Time from User James Patrick Foley – Life Unlocked

What do you do?

I work for CH&Co Group, a staffing agency in Liverpool street, doing mostly recruitment.

When I’m not working, I’m mainly working out. I like horseback riding and running… I’ve done a couple of half-marathons. What’s annoying is taking keys out on a run and not having anywhere to put them. I’ve lost loads of keys, to the point where I wasn’t allowed to have a set of keys anymore because I’d lost three sets!

I saw Klevio as a real solution to that.

Really, three sets? And you never found them?

Well, I did find a set of keys I’d lost once… 8 months later. They were all rusted over; someone had clearly found them and put them up where people might see, but we’d already had the locks changed by then!

What would you do if you had more hours in the day?

That would be great! I’m always in meetings, yesterday it was half-five and I thought it was about 1 o’clock… I think I’d just rest more, have some quality time with family, partner, and dogs (I have two dogs that I’m very passionate about, Sebastian and Matteo; Sebastian is quiet and calm, and Matteo is his exact opposite). Any extra time is for them!

What door would you open if you could open any door in the world?

Well, my parents are obsessed with the royal family, and my mom in particular is obsessed with the monarchy. She’s even booked a hotel for the upcoming royal wedding to be there for the procession, so I guess it would be the door to Buckingham palace, that gate. Every year The Queen hosts a party for people who contribute to society, and they’re invited into the palace and the gardens with lavish food and incredible company; they’re amazing events and luckily, I get to go this year. We (CH&Co Group) are staffing the event, from the catering to set up. It’s a very long process to get everything vetted and checked, getting 400-500 staff who are best to work at these prestigious parties, so that’s a pretty cool door we get to open.

Open doors and unlock your time with a digital Klevio key.

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