Reminder: LAP Open House November 26 &#8211

Wally hopes you can join us on Saturday, Nov. 26, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. for our holiday open house (at which you might consider giving him a cat treat or 10). We’ll have available our full line of Lost Art Press books, Crucible Tools and apparel, including new baseball caps – khaki with the English square (from the cover of “The Anarchist’s Tool Chest” cover) embroidered in black. We’ll also have a selection of “blems” – slightly damaged books – at half price (blems are, as always, cash only please).

Plus, we’ll have a special gift for the first 100 or so visitors – a gum eraser stamped with the Lost Art Press logo (I’ll post pictures when I have those in the shop). And if you’re 21 or older, do ask to see the clock. (We’ll also have treats and beverages for those who eschew alcohol, of course).

We’ll be happy to raise a glass with you, and an answer your woodworking questions – or even demonstrate any techniques that are flummoxing you (preferably before raising too many glasses). And I believe we’ll have a special guest demonstrator, too – more on that to come!


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