Retailers for ‘Campaign Furniture’ &#8211

cover_test_solid2“Campaign Furniture” is off to the printer, and I have the color proofs sitting at my feet. We’re working on getting the cover to our liking (it’s still rough so be still your sharp tongues) and we have been reaching out to our retailers to see if they would like to carry this title.

When the book is released in early March, here are the retailers that have (so far) signed on:

  • Lee Valley Tools, Canada
  • Tools for Working Wood, Brooklyn
  • Classic Hand Tools, UK
  • Henry Eckert Fine Tools, Australia
  • Lie-Nielsen Toolworks

More to come, we hope.

Also, if you don’t read my blog at Popular Woodworking Magazine, you might be interested in this entry on the Douro chair. The first person to get me access to an original Douro chair gets the first autographed copy of “Campaign Furniture.”

— Christopher Schwarz

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