Shipping Update: ‘To Make as Perfectly as Possible’ &#8211


John Hoffman says that – except for a few international orders – all of the pre-ordered copies of “To Make as Perfectly as Possible: Roubo on Marquetry” are in the hands of the U.S. Postal Service.

That means if you ordered a deluxe or standard copy of the book before the book was released at Woodworking in America, your book is on its way.

We apologize for the time-consuming process. John and his son, Jacob, have been personally packing every box since the minute John returned from Woodworking in America. For the deluxe editions, we had to use a special box and packing materials that required some custom cardboard fabrication (thanks, band saw).

John and Jacob are now shipping out all the other orders that have come in since WIA, including T-shirts.

If you have had a problem with your shipment and have not reported it to us, please let John know at If you have reported it, we ask for a little patience during this busy time of year.

Speaking of busy, “The Art of Joinery: Revised Edition” is on its way to John’s garage as I type this.

I should probably send them a case of Red Bull and vodka.

— Christopher Schwarz

P.S. If you want to make the publisher happy, rip the plastic condom off your deluxe edition and start reading it. The book is tough enough to withstand even the sharpest gaze.

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