The Awaiting Campaign &#8211


You might think that after 10 months of hard traveling on three continents that I’d be ready for the dirt nap.

But with my final teaching assignment of 2013 now behind me, I am sitting in a hotel in San Marcos, Texas, with a beer (New Belgium’s Ranger) and a smile on my face as I plan a brutal schedule for the next 58 days.

By Dec. 31, I will finish my book “Campaign Furniture.” I have only two more projects to build and about half of the text of the book already written. And I have reached the point with the book where I am vomiting out more words than I am taking in via my research – an important tipping point.

I really don’t give a crap if you buy this book. Or if you like campaign furniture. Or if you care for the interesting book design I’ve been contriving. Like all of the books I’ve written, this is just something I am compelled to do.

Now I’ve got to go to sleep. I have to dream up a wack-nutty filing jig and catch a plane before sunrise that will take me back to my shop.

— Christopher Schwarz

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