The Bench Screw &#8211

CXL. In chief lyeth that which is called the Bench Screw, it is made of Wood, the out part flat, which lieth or is nailed to the Bench side, the other part opened by degrees or steps wider and wider, to fit Boards of all thicknesses that shall be put between the Bench and it, through the higher Tang or Lip is put a Wooden Screw, the same being screwed through the hole, its end holds the Board fast to the Bench side.

That in the Base is called the Glew Pot, it is commonly made of good thick Lead; that by its substance it may retain a heat the longer, that the Glew Chill not, (as Work-men say when it cools) when it is to be used: It hath a strong Bended Wyer put through two holes in the sides of it, by which it is transported and carried from one place to another. A. 3 such B. born by Glew pott.

— From Randle Holme’s “The Academy of Armory, or, A Storehouse of Armory and Blazon” Book III, Chapter VIII, Plate 2.

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