The Box-maker, and the Turner, 1664 &#8211

The Box-maker (1) smootheth hewen Boards (2) with a Plain (3) upon a work-board, (4) he maketh them very smooth with a little plain, (5) he boareth thorow with an augre, (6) carveth them with a Knife, (7) fasteneth them together with Glew, and Cramp-Irons (8) and maketh tables (9) Boards (10) Chests (11), &c.

The Turner (12) sitting over the treddle turneth with a throw (15) upon a Turners Bench Bowls (16) Tops (17) Puppets (18) and such like Turners work.

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Orbis_full.jpg (644.78 KB)— from “Joh. Amos Comnienii Orbis sensualium pictu” (1664) by Comenius, Johann Amos (1592-1670)

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