Two Sorts of Joyners Mallets &#8211

CXLI. In this quarter in the chief part of it are the fashion and forms of two sorts of Joyners Mallets, made and used by Joyners, the one square, the other Bevil wrought; Of this see more numb. 76. and chap. 9. numb. 4.

In the Base, is a thing called the Sawing Tressel, or a Tressel, which Joyners and Carpenters use to lay large and great pieces of Timber upon, when they have occasion to cut them into Tenants, or for other kinds of peecings, or if they purpose to cut it into lesser or shorter pieces: It is two pieces of Joyce set Salterwise, whose Angles will hold any thing fast being put between the two upper ends.

— From Randle Holme’s “The Academy of Armory, or, A Storehouse of Armory and Blazon” Book III, Chapter VIII, Plate 2.

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