Updates on Digital Books &#8211

ADB_mockup_lo_1024x1024From time to time, we send out slightly revised editions of our electronic books free to the customers who bought the original.

Yesterday we sent out a revised copy of “The Anarchist’s Design Book” to some customers who did not get the final version. (It’s a long story that involves software.) So if you received a link to an updated version of the book, it’s OK to click it. It will not result in your hard drive being taken over by sausage-mongers.

If you didn’t get the link, that’s OK, too. That means you you have the latest version of the book.

Also, the changes in the updated version are minor – most people won’t even notice them. We cleaned up a few typos we missed and repaired a couple captions. It’s essentially the same book without substantive changes.

If you don’t want to receive these updates to your electronic books, the e-mail has a link you can click to disable future updates.

— Christopher Schwarz

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