vs. Coronavirus: How we were and are operating now – Life Unlocked

Empty streets, deserted offices and non-existent public transport. Sounds familiar? Our apartments and houses suddenly became home offices and the only commute back to the office was when we needed additional monitors to enable us to work from home and to pick up mail. 

Our team is divided between two offices in London and Ljubljana and after 12 solid weeks of quarantine the latter is once again lively, while our colleagues in London still enjoy all the delicious freshly home-cooked meals. We’re glad to be back. We’re fortunate enough to have a spacious office that we can ventilate and a lot of hand disinfectant in stock to take all of the preventive measures that the government recommends. Besides that, Marx would agree with us that we really missed social co-operation and association that we desperately need as social creatures.

How have we been operating while working from home?

We’ve been fully operational during the quarantine period from our home offices. Since our team is divided between two countries, communicating via digital channels is already a second nature to us. New Klevio One devices were manufactured, new hardware upgrades and software features developed and our commercial team worked hard to provide new customers and business with Klevio. The experience of the past 12 weeks even gave us some insight into how our office could look like in the future – not everyone enjoys constant buzz and occasional distraction that can occur rapidly when great ideas are developing and polishing and ultimately begs the question about whether a traditional office set-up is the optimum for all individuals or not.

How Klevio adapted installations during the quarantine period?

The official quarantine period had a major impact on our installers – normally they would be running between installation sites but during the first weeks of quarantine they mostly offered remote support. In our March Newsletter (available here if you’ve missed it) we’ve encouraged you to give Klevio a try with a self-install and our installers are still more than happy to help you assess the compatibility of your current setup, as well as provide free phone support to anyone who proceeds. 

How installations look like now?

We’ve had ample time to carefully consider how our installation team can continue to install Klevio devices into your homes or offices and take care of safety at the same time. As everything is gradually reopening all over Europe and the UK you can once again welcome one of our installers into your home. We’ve implemented a set of rules that both our installers and customers need to follow in order to keep safe and healthy.

Self isolation

In some cases installations aren’t possible. Our installers must not visit the properties of customers who are self-isolating due to the following reasons:

  • Person has displayed symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 14 days. The most common symptoms of the disease are a high temperature or a new persistent cough. 
  • Person is a vulnerable person (by virtue of their age, underlying health condition, clinical condition or are pregnant).
  • Person is living with someone in self-isolation or a vulnerable person
  • Person has entered the UK from abroad (subject to the UK’s pending quarantine policy for foreign travel).

Klevio installers meeting the above criteria will not be deployed in the field. Both installers and customers are urged to be forthcoming with this information. 

Social distancing

In compliance with government social distancing regulations, we require that installers and customers maintain a distance of at least 2 metres wherever possible. We appreciate that there will be situations when it’s not possible or safe for a distance of 2 metres to be maintained – these should be minimised and mitigated completely wherever possible. 

We ask that customers prepare the installation area prior to the arrival of our installers (clear the area of everything, particularly personal belongings) and for customers to vacate the area whilst work is being done. Please note that the installation timings we use as part of our installation scheduling are estimates, and work may take longer than expected.


We ask that customers make handwashing facilities available for installers to use with fresh water and soap. Klevio installers will be equipped with gloves and facial PPE where possible. Bins should be provided for the proper disposal of consumables and used PPE.

Every cloud has a silver lining …

The situation we’re now living in isn’t anything that we’ve ever expected and it will take some time for all of us to adapt to how we’re living with the new reality. This means not only changing the ways we work, but also adjusting to the ways we lead our everyday lives. Dropping kids at school, shopping, dining out, even having your Klevio installed – a lot of that has most certainly changed. However, we can guarantee one thing – Klevio will keep making access easier and now also a lot safer. It doesn’t matter if you only want to let your delivery guy in remotely when you’re working from home as a way of practicing social distancing or if you feel more comfortable touching only your phone instead of handling keys to unlock doors – Klevio’s got your back

While these might be challenging times for all of us, we will continue to support our customers and users as we all face some undoubtedly challenging months ahead. Remember, we’re always just a phone call or email away. 

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