What are burglars most afraid of?

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bullet-type camera

What are bullet-type cameras

You probably have seen bullet-type security cameras dozens of times on the streets. These are those cameras of cylindrical shape often installed on buildings’ corners. They are widely known to be a strong burglar deterrent since they are easier to spot than dome cameras.
Like any other security device, bullet cameras have their pros and cons. So, before deciding on which camera you would prefer for your property, let’s check in detail when bullet cameras may work the best for you and when they won’t offer you what you need. Sure Lock & Key is always ready to give you a helping hand whenever it comes to <a href="/security-services/">security services</a> to complicated security-related questions.

make home more secure

3 Ways A Locksmith Can Make Your Home More Secure

Your home is the place where you want to rest, relax and feel safe and comfortable. However, there are many factors that can disrupt your peace. The risk of a break-in and burglary is quite high today. So, you might want to enhance your home security. There are some simple things you can do yourself, like locking your doors and windows or keeping track of your keys.
However, if you’re thinking about more advanced security measures like alarms, smart locks, security cameras, motion detectors, etc., you might need some professional assistance. The most intelligent decision is to find a reliable locksmith that will make your home more secure. As a company with years of experience in the security industry, <a href="/">Sure Lock and Key</a> is ready to assist you in making your home a safer place.

security camera installation

Tips for single living: Home security

Living alone can give you a lot of freedom – you can live any way you want. However, you’re also the only one responsible for your home security and personal safety. If you don’t have a roommate that can back you up in an emergency, you may need other kinds of support.
Moving out of the family home and learning to live on your own can be challenging. Make sure you don’t get caught off guard by using these ten proactive solutions to ensure your safety in your home. The following tips on living alone for the first time can help ease the transition from living together with others to managing on your own.
Everyone deserves to feel safe in their home. That’s why you might consider installing security for your home. Asking for the help of a professional is probably the most intelligent decision you can make. <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> is ready to help you make your home a safer place.

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