Why we created time-limited keys – Life Unlocked

At Klevio we work on the principle that there’s no substitute for talking with our users. Simply put, no amount of in-house road-mapping or brainstorming sessions can match hearing about the first-hand experiences of the people who use our product on a daily basis.

The proof of the pudding lies in the fact that so many of Klevio’s functions and features are a direct result of feedback we’ve received. And as our product evolves, the knowledge that we’re delivering what our users want — and what best serves their needs — is extremely gratifying.

Which brings us to the focus of today’s blog. In a survey we sent out last year, we mooted the idea of time-limited keys, i.e. keys you can share that will only work from, and until, the dates you specify. We felt that introducing this feature was a logical step, given the broadening scope of scenarios in which people were making use of the product.

In a nutshell, what we were finding was that as people grew more familiar and comfortable with using Klevio, their minds were increasingly turning to the myriad ways it could benefit them. And it was the sharing of keys with people who may need irregular or one-off access to their home that kept on rearing is head in the feedback.

So, when it came to asking our beta testers if they’d like to see the feature added, there was little surprise to see the idea greeted with almost unanimous enthusiasm.

Fast forward several weeks and here we are, launching the feature in the new app update. So we thought we’d mark the occasion by highlighting some of the ways you can benefit from time-limited keys.

Be my guest

Of all the reasons given for wanting to see time-limited keys, having house guests come to stay has been the most common. With the proliferation of services such as Airbnb and Trustedhousesitters.com, the parameters for who we may consider inviting into our homes has widened far beyond our immediate circle of relatives and friends. And now it’s no longer uncommon to allow total strangers to stay in our homes, the ability to limit their access in advance has obvious advantages. Not least the fact that you’ll no longer need to remember to ‘unshare’ your keys when they leave — instead, as soon as you know the dates they’re staying, you can manually specify when their access starts and ends, lightening your workload in the process.

Tricks of the trade

Tradespeople are probably the most typical example of when you need to provide access to your home on a one-off basis. Thanks to our new feature, if you know you’ve got someone coming round to fix the loo or the boiler on a particular date, you can assign them their keys for that day only. No need to wait for them to call before buzzing them in, or to wait for them to leave before revoking their access. Now you can set it all up in advance and get on with your day.

So there we have it. If you weren’t aware of our new time-limited keys feature until now, we hope that we’ve piqued your interest sufficiently for you to check it out for yourself. Ultimately, everything we do at Klevio is designed to improve the experience for our users — whether it’s key owners themselves, or their recipients. We believe this new feature meets that standard and we hope you agree.

If you have any thoughts or comments on our new time-limited keys feature — or indeed anything else — we’d love to hear from youDrop us a line at hello@klevio.com.

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