Wooden sash windows from Poland – best quality.

vertical sliding sash windows

Wooden sash windows from Poland – best quality.

blog | 07.06.2017

Two-wing, with the characteristic vertical travel system, vertical sliding sash windows are mostly used in English an American houses.

In Aikon Distribution, we offer wooden vertical sliding sash window (check the whole offer: BOX SASH) in two variants: classic – operated with weight ballasts in the window frame (cord and weight sash window), and modern, where springs (spring sash window) run the opening and closing mechanism.

An interesting solution available in our sash is the possibility of moving the wings in various combinations, i.e. we can open one wing (upper or lower, in this case the other one is fixed), the second option are both wings moving. 

Asymmetry may be added to these options, when the areas of the wings are different with the resulting the so-called incomplete opening.

The important advantage of the sash windows is saving of space: we do not need additional space for opening the wings. With this, we have many more possibilities of arrangement of the window zone: window sills, shelves, or even cupboards or a table.

Read article from Window News: Benefits of importing windows from Poland

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