The impact of technology on door locks: the rise of smart locks and their benefits

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Can you put a smart lock on a gate

When it comes to home security, the first point is your gate area. Anyone who would like to come inside has to go through it. So, logically, we want this area to be entirely secured. Every day the number of people who choose smart locks for their gates increases. Why? Besides the higher security level, these locks give you an opportunity to control the access of certain people to your property remotely. This is very logical as well as convenient, especially if we talk about commercial gates.
Over the years of extensive experience, we at <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> have worked with thousands of different locks. Those that are older than the most modern and advanced types of locks. We would like to share our knowledge so that you can easily decide if you need a smart gate lock and what the benefits will be.

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With the growing popularity of smart locks, more and more people have decided to choose this type of entrance security over traditional ones. Not only are those locks more convenient, but they are also impossible to pick by intruders. However, as time passes, a logical question arises, “Are smart locks weatherproof?” <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> is here to answer it and any other locksmith-related questions and professionally assist you in case of any trouble. So, if you’re thinking about installing a smart lock, keep reading to learn more about its features and main benefits.

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Do smart locks work without Wi-Fi

In the classic TV space series "Star Trek", they all used smart locks. One of the crew walks up to a door, and it opens automatically, just like the sci-fi equivalent of Face ID. Nowadays, smart locks are commonplace worldwide. The ability to unlock and lock a door without using a physical key, easy access for family and friends without having to duplicate and distribute keys, hands-free operation, and remote control are just some of the many benefits of a Wi-Fi smart door lock. These locks can be opened by a code, a fingerprint, or an app on your smartphone. It’s extremely convenient, and there’s no need to make extra keys for family members, friends, caregivers, etc., or have one of them hold on to your only spare key. However, do smart locks need Wi-Fi? We will answer this question in our article!

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