Windows from the world. Part II: French windows

Windows from the world, French windows

Windows from the world. Part II: French windows

blog | 07.08.2018

France is the home to a number of world trends in fashion and design. This also includes architecture and window joinery. The key features of French windows will be presented in our “Windows from the world” series.

French windows: brief characteristics  

The common element of French windows is certainly their movable post, which allows the window to be opened with no barriers to sunlight so as to provide the room with a pleasant outlook. This aesthetic solution is extremely popular in France.

While several hundred years ago it was applied due to necessity, now it is one of the most fashionable trends in window design.  As traditional French windows with a movable post have a really impressive appearance, no wonder they are often chosen for new built houses (also outside France).

Monoblock windows: French HIT    

As far as French windows are concerned, there is yet another key trend in the French market that must be taken into consideration. It is a monoblock window.

Aluplast monoblockAluplast monoblock

These windows are the response to the needs of French investors, who most often decide to insulate their buildings from the inside. This is mostly because of the high share of historic buildings and stringent architectural conservation regulations.
A building insulated from the inside obviously requires the use of appropriate windows to conceal the layer of insulation.

Monoblock windows are equipped on the outside of the frame with a special shelf simply referred to as a windowsill. It provides the window with appearance and also has a practical purpose – it eliminates the thermal bridge between the frame and the insulation layer. On the inside, the window frame is equipped with a special pad, which eliminates the need to add any plasterwork after the installation of the window. Aikon Distribution offers frames with several widths so that the customer is free to choose the system that matches the insulation thickness.

Aluplast monoblockAluplast monoblock

Renovation window

An interesting bit of trivia is that renovation windows are very popular in France today (renovations by Aikon Distribution). These windows are used during renovations of historic tenement houses and other buildings.
The replacement of these windows does not require any additional finishing work.  As the existing window elements do not need to be completely dismantled, the walls and the facade remain undamaged, which is extremely important in the case of historic buildings. It is sufficient to remove the leaves, posts, and fittings. The frames, which would have to be pulled out in traditional designs, are entirely covered from the inside with the renovation flip. On the outside, the existing frame is covered by a flat bar with matching dimensions.

French elegance

The sophisticated French style and elegance inspire not only trends in fashion but also in construction. French architectural solutions are successfully applied in other parts of the world, which definitely is an excellent trend!

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